For the past couple of months I have been in a Warhammer 40K rut. Since 6th edition came out and the first couple try out games, I wasn't happy with Dark Eldar. My old style of playing was completely ruined (Webway Portal.) Now I'm not complaining I did try to overcome and adapt. The problem was I was having major issues getting any good games in. The lack of player base in my local game store (LGS) and/or the lack of people not accepting my challenges was a tad annoying. The reason I came out of my rut is....ORKS. My LGS had a bunch of used orks come in and I decided to take advantage and got 40 boys, 15 lootas, 15 burnas, and one Battlewagon with Deff Rolla, for half the market value.
I manage to get two dakkajets for my new Ork army as well. Today I started painting my Dakkajet. I also managed to purchase an airbrush to help me with the mass base coating I will need to do with my army.
Warning: I just started using an Airbrush so the paint may look bad.
This is my assembled Dakkajet. I started with a base coat of Bone White (Vallejo). I didn't take a picture of the base coat.
After the base coat dried I used Beasty Brown (Vallejo). In case your wondering I'm trying to do a rust effect trick. I will link below where I got the Idea from.
I then added some Charred Brown (Vallejo). The brown is more isolated in places that rust will show.
As the finishing touches I added some Orange Fire (Vallejo). Same as the Charred Brown its isolated where the rust will show naturally.
Before I continue I got to purchase some dull coat. The next process can peel the paint off if I don't add a coat to protect the paint. After I apply the coat and Liquid Mask (Vallejo) I will paint the plane with the colors I choose for the army (more on that in later posts). Below is the link to the rust tutorial, it's a two part video. I recommend watching for anyone that wants to try it out.
Rust Video - ichibanpainting
ORKSSSSS??! I guess they are pretty great too.