
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Breaking Out of my Rut!!!

For the past couple of months I have been in a Warhammer 40K rut. Since 6th edition came out and the first couple try out games, I wasn't happy with Dark Eldar. My old style of playing was completely ruined (Webway Portal.) Now I'm not complaining I did try to overcome and adapt. The problem was I was having major issues getting any good games in. The lack of player base in my local game store (LGS) and/or the lack of people not accepting my challenges was a tad annoying. The reason I came out of my rut is....ORKS. My LGS had a bunch of used orks come in and I decided to take advantage and got 40 boys, 15 lootas, 15 burnas, and one Battlewagon with Deff Rolla, for half the market value.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Battle Report: 2 in 1

I ended up playing two games on Sunday. The first game was planned; which was against SW w/ IG Allies. The second game was a complete fluke against Chaos Daemons (the guy was stoked that he tabled GK in a 45min game so he wanted to play someone else)

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Battle Report: First 6th Edition Report

This was my 3rd game in 6th Edition. I decided to make a battle report about it. The other two games I decided to not report due to huge rule arguments in one and the other I gave up on turn 3. This game was a spur of the moment game, the night before I get a text asking if I want to play a game the next day. Now let me begin with the Battle Report. Also, I forgot to bring my camera so no pictures.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Rules Simplified: Drop Pods in 6th

I know that we don't have Drop Pods in our lists, but we may use them in an ally detachment, or see them used against us. The lack of Drop Pods in our codex may lead to some unfamiliar rules when dealing with the pods. I was assisting one of my friends who plays BA with a list he posted. One of my suggestions was to bring his Honor Guard with a drop pod and drop the jump packs. This idea got us into reading the rules to see how this would work.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Rules Simplified: Deployment Flowchart

With 6th Edition being out, many players are trying to learn the new rules. Best way to learn the rules is on the battlefield which creates a very long game. From flipping between pages, looking up rules, and questioning each other and yourself; you begin to feel like this is a chore instead of a game. To help alleviate the stress I decided to simplify some of the rules.